NextME App - FRC

Prep the line.
End the wait.


NextME has a mission and it’s all about saving guests’ time and flipping more tables. The challenge was making a tech brand who’s out saving peoples’ time appealing for actual business owners who are the main target for the app.



App Downloads


ROI Increase


Minutes Saved

We Found Truth

Reaching store owners is very targeted and costly. We needed to create a demand and so we did the simple things: find a hungry mob, give them a reason to engage, and supply them with the tools. It was no time before restaurant owners got the message.

Then We Executed

  • We created a brand new site that incentivized consumers to request the app at their favorite restaurants while using targeted media to drive owners to the site for download.
  • The new site has resulted in over 46% growth since inception with over half of guests and owners taking a sales action.
  • We activated at the street level by targeting restaurants with brutal wait times and gave patrons a call-to-action flyer worth $50 bucks.
  • People slapped these cards on the host stands and the brand saw an instant bump in inquiries and downloads by 29%.


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