Angry Birds - FrContent

Vent like you
mean it.


2019 was the 10 year anniversary of angry birds as a brand.  Angry Birds wanted to celebrate its anniversary milestone, the release of its second movie, and the launch of another franchise game is the most splashy way possible.



Social Media Shares


Machine Attacks


Brand Lift

We Found Truth

What better place to “bring out the anger” than in one of the angriest places on earth— New York. The brand needed to combine anger, social good, fun, mischief, and that New York swagger all in one. So the brand created a “Venting Machine” a makeshift vending machine where fans could yell, scream, punch, and hit the machine for big prizes.

Then We Executed

  • An Omnimedia digital plan was created to promote the 4-hour event in Times Square, the most advanced and exciting of which was a digital OOH integration which captured footage from the “Venting Machine” and blasted it onto nearby 120-ft digital billboards in real-time.
  • The campaign was a resounding success. A brand lift study was done and it showed a positive correlation in the press, online, and New York market place.
  • The “Venting Machine” itself…or what’s left of it after the brunt of New York’s wrath, is now back at Angry Birds headquarters in Finland.


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